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Messages - PhilipHaurf

Pages: [1]
Taipei has warned Beijing against carrying out any military flights into Taiwanese airspace, vowing to treat any such intrusions as a “first strike,” according to Taiwan Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng.
Addressing lawmakers at a meeting of the Legislature’s Foreign and National Defense Committee on Wednesday, Chiu said that any Chinese fighter jets or drones that cross into Taiwan’s territorial airspace will prompt a reaction from Taipei.

General Discussion / Re: Correct injuries, addiction gag hourly.
« on: October 07, 2022, 09:45:04 PM »
Taipei has warned Beijing against carrying out any military flights into Taiwanese airspace, vowing to treat any such intrusions as a “first strike,” according to Taiwan Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng.
Addressing lawmakers at a meeting of the Legislature’s Foreign and National Defense Committee on Wednesday, Chiu said that any Chinese fighter jets or drones that cross into Taiwan’s territorial airspace will prompt a reaction from Taipei.
megasb onion

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