Author Topic: Everyone is against me!  (Read 32 times)


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Everyone is against me!
« on: February 02, 2022, 09:19:02 PM »
Everyone is against me!
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п»ї<title>Are we elephants in chains?</title>

It was Jorge Bucay who brought us the story of the chained elephant as a way of reflection to make us think about all those failures of the past, those chains that somehow have been tied to our being and our mind to prevent us from moving forward normally, as if we were chained elephants.
Experiences that far from enriching us have blocked us in the past, making us not only a little more cautious, but perhaps even less sure of ourselves. Sometimes it is even our own education, the legacy of parents, a home or even a culture that has put those invisible shackles on us that prevent us from walking freely to advance towards the horizon that we truly desire for ourselves.
"The elephant does not escape because he has been tied to a stake since he was very small...".
Chains, however light they may be, are always heavy. But both the elephant and we ourselves can and have every right to break them. Let us stop being chained elephants.
Fear of failure and chained elephantsSometimes the fear of failure is so intense that we do not even dare to take the step. What would become of us if, for example, we changed jobs? Or if we risked traveling to another country to look for a job? What if our marriage is very unhappy and we do not dare, perhaps out of fear, to leave the relationship?
There are many, many factors that intermingle when it comes to taking a step and breaking those chains that hold us in some way. Insecurity, fear, uncertainty, lack of self-confidence?
In the end, we become chained elephants, but whose chains we put on ourselves.
Sometimes we even limit ourselves to resist in our daily routine, living in our small comfort zone but dreaming of "what could have been". And, as Albert Einstein said, "the fear of failure will stop us from trying any action, turning us to do the same things longing for different results".
But no, if we really want to achieve our happiness and live our existence as we truly desire, we must begin to have more confidence in ourselves, we must love ourselves a little more and feel not only that we are capable, but that we deserve it.
Break the chains Stop for a moment and think about how many times opportunities have passed in front of your door. Why didn't you reach them with strength if you really wanted them? Wasn't it your time? Wasn't it the moment? Or was it not for you?
You need to start rethinking questions like this. We all know that life is very complex, that sometimes we are not alone in this boat, that there are many things that determine us before we can make a decision, but it is always important to establish a series of priorities, to understand what is most important for you at any given moment.
What will become of you in the near future? Try to think about it, visualize it... if the image you see in your mind is not to your liking, you will have to start moving, to push those chains that bind you to reach the future you truly deserve.
Self-confidence is undoubtedly the first value you should develop. We all have a series of talents and abilities that make us unique and special, we are all wonderful within our particularities, look inside yourself, find them, look at yourself in the mirror and convince yourself that you are capable of taking the step.
Let's stop being chained elephants, either with our own chains or with those put on us by others. It is time to free ourselves from them. We only have to take a small step. Limitations are only present in our mind.
Fear, insecurity, are the steps that you must begin to overcome to reach that top that you really deserve, because life is a great adventure that is worth living as we really want ... and although it seems almost impossible to break those chains, remember that you are as big and powerful as that elephant. It's up to you...
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