When radiotherapy is used in addition to surgery it is called adjuvant radiotherapy.
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Report this content as offensive or unsuitable comment id 36319 I have gone back to a different doctor this time i took a photo with me showing when the lump comes up ,now i am being referred so i am nervous but happyReport this content as offensive or unsuitable comment id 29780 i went to the doctors about a lump in my groin said how it seems to come up when i lie on my belly then turn over she explained to me it was muscle and showed as i was low weight I took a photo of it the other day and showed it to my mum she also thinks it is a hernia ,it seems to come up all of a sudden when i lie on my back i can see it rise it causes me pain but reluctant to go to drs again i think it is a inguinal hernia ,i have had to in the past lift heavy objects i am a carer i wonder if there are any tips to prevent it going worseReport this content as offensive or unsuitable comment id 28533 To User369800Go back to your GP and insist that something is done, politely but firmly.