Author Topic: Ambulance waiting times  (Read 38 times)


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Ambulance waiting times
« on: October 19, 2022, 04:26:18 AM »
Ambulance waiting times

Andrew RT Davies, leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the Senedd, refers to recent cases when "ambulances could not turn up to serious incidents".

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Mr Davies raises two examples of long waits, including a story on Walesonline of a man who was stuck on a floor waiting 15 hours.

He reads out quotes from the man's daughter accusing Wales of having a health service like a "third world country" and that Aneurin Bevan, the Labour minister who oversaw the creation of the NHS, would be turning in his grave.

In response, Mr Drakeford accuses Mr Davies of being "partly responsible for the mess we're in" because he supported Liz Truss for the Conservative leadership.

The first minister acknowledges that "the system is under enormous pressure" but he warns that Conservative "cuts to the health service" will increase that pressure.

Mr Drakeford says it was "shocking that you think that you can turn up here this afternoon with the mess that your party has made, to the budgets of this country, to the reputation of this country around the world".

Angrily flipping the pages of his briefing notes, he tells Mr Davies: "You think you can turn up here this afternoon and claim some sort of moral high ground? What sort of world do you belong in?"

There are extraordinary scenes as the first minister and Andrew RT Davies shout angrily at each other, with the Llywydd Elin Jones calling for calm.