Depending on the location and the number of the substituents, ОІ amino acids are categorized as a ОІ mono О± substituted, b ОІ mono ОІ substituted, c ОІ2, 3 О±, ОІ di substituted, d ОІ2, 2 О±, О± di substituted or О± geminal disubstituted, e ОІ3, 3 ОІ, ОІ di substituted or ОІ geminal disubstituted, f ОІ2, 2, 3 О±, О±, ОІ tri substituted, g ОІ2, 3, 3 О±, ОІ, ОІ tri substituted, or h ОІ2, 2, 3, 3 О±, О±, ОІ, ОІ tetra substituted amino acids <a href=>ivermectin tablet</a> Therefore, the syndrome is primarily associated with impaired social and occupational activities